North East Expo - Spring 2024

Facebook Advertising 101: How to build a strategy that works for your business

Will Page & Emma Chilton

In this session Will and  Emma will give an overview of how to build a successful Facebook and Instagram advertising strategy in 2023. This session will outline how to plan successful social media strategies that deliver on business objectives, including setting those objectives, leveraging current best practice and the Meta algorithm to drive performance, audience & creative strategy, measurement, and optimisation. The seminar will provide a broad overview of social media advertising techniques that can be applied for both B2C and B2B businesses looking to grow with social media advertising.

Will has over a decade of experience in social media, working on advertising for some of the world’s largest businesses in network agency, independent agency and client-side roles. An expert in Facebook and Instagram ads, Will has created industry-leading data-driven strategies across a wide range of verticals, racking up over £50m+ ad spend on the platform in the process. His current role is Head of Digital for The Media Network, an independent media agency based in North Shields.

Emma is a social media expert with background in building best-in-class campaigns that deliver results, both for large global businesses and SMEs. Highly experienced in maximising performance from Facebook and Instagram ads, Emma has worked across a vast range of businesses in network agency and independent agency roles. She currently leads the social media team at The Media Network in her role as Paid Social Manager.

The Tug of War of being a business owner

Stephen Paul

As a business owner do you constantly feel like you are in a tug of war between your business and personal persona? Join as we talk through practical steps to help you find a rebalance. Understanding your why and your purpose and creating meaningful aims to build a better future.

With over 25 years experience as an accountant, founder of award winning North East accountancy practice Valued, Stephen Paul, has helped many business owners achieve their goals. Redefining the traditional accountant-client relationship, Stephen has established Valued to look beyond the numbers and work with the individual behind the business. As a regular guest speaker and panelist at key industry and business events, he focuses on practical tools and strategies to help both business and personal growth.

Stand up and be Counted!

North East Chamber of Commerce

A great opportunity to network in a structured way by standing up and introducing yourself.

Cultivating Your Business Capability

Janine Weightman

In this session, discover how to get started with knowledge management and Organizational Rewilding to help you futureproof your business success.

• Understand the importance of your company's unique knowledge and experience as a sustainable competitive advantage.
• Learn how to improve knowledge sharing and retention to help your company keep doing what it does best.
• Discover how to navigate your small-medium business through the 7 Stages of Growth for exceptional performance.

Business success takes deliberate action, critical thinking, collaboration and creativity to keep on keeping on…and perform better with each new day. Yet success sometimes feels out of reach, at risk, or nigh on impossible in the face of common adversities like people leaving, being blindsided by problems, financial challenges or the world changing.

Whether you are looking to improve operations, develop new capabilities, do the day-to-day work better, or take your business to the next level, this talk will give you practical approaches to consider and a new perspective on the value of your company know-how. Furthermore, learn about the Organizational Rewilding methodology as a blueprint you can use to achieve sustainable business growth.


Janine is a consultant, coach, and all-round maverick when it comes to improving business ops and capability. She founded Knovolution to help people build intelligent organizations, who can channel people’s know-how, expertise, and insight to push the frontiers of what can be accomplished.

After serving nearly 20 years on the front line of large engineering companies in the energy and automotive sectors, Janine developed a smorgasbord of expertise in cultivating organizational capability through better knowledge management. She is also a ReWild Business Advisor and online facilitator of FORTH Innovation Methodology.

Janine treads a progressive path with her ‘not-so-mainstream’ approaches and contemporary outlook, helping people see their operational and business challenges through a different lens. Through a range of bespoke in-person and online services, she now guides forward-thinking small and medium businesses in ways they can lead their 'knovolution', a deliberate intervention to leverage knowledge and experience to reach business goals, develop capability and grow competitive advantage.



Compassionate Leadership

Neil Campbell

For some time, the theoretical management mantra has always been about staff being the most precious asset an organisation or employer possesses. However, this rarely observed in practice; and today’s workplace is crying out for a new approach to leadership – especially since the emotionally and mentally challenging experiences of the recent covid pandemic.

Leadership – based on the core value of compassion – is, in my view, the answer and will play an increasingly important role in the workplace. Moreover, training around compassionate leadership will become an essential part of organisational development strategies.

This session offers an overview of what compassionate leadership means, and what makes a compassionate leader. In addition, it highlights the benefits of such leadership for both staff and employers, as well as explaining the Seven Pillars of Compassionate Leadership approaches.


Neil is a highly experienced counsellor and accredited trainer, based in Gateshead and Newcastle. He has worked across the North East in a numberof workplace sectors – NHS, local government, higher education, public, private and voluntary & charitable.
He now delivers services and training around a range of effective, innovative and compassionate solutions for supporting staff and managers in today’s workplace. This includes Accredited Compassionate Leadership Training, Workplace Mediation, Post-Traumatic Emotional Support, Grief Awareness for the Workplace, and Independent Workplace Investigations.

Level up your Brand Personality Like a Pro !

Chloe Clover & Jo Elliott

Chloë Clover is the Co-Founder and CEO of the award-winning company Wander Films, a personality & content-first marketing agency that has curated 1,000's of social media projects for clients and supports national and international brands to #BeatTheScroll®. Clover appeared in the Forbes 30 under 30 list (2021), highlighting her as a trail blazer and new world entrepreneur.

Clover was also awarded 'Emerging Talent' at the Entrepreneurs Forum Awards and ‘Businesswoman of the Year’ at the Tees Businesswoman Awards. Chloë, is a passionate advocate for the acceptance and representation of diversity and firmly believes that it's our differences that make us incredible

Decoding Success: Navigating the Competitive Landscape with the Net Zero Accelerator Programme

Anne Marie Soulsby

Join us for an insightful talk that unveils the strategies behind success in today's competitive business environment. Explore the Net Zero Accelerator Programme—a game-changer in fostering innovation, sustainability, and strategic growth. In this session, we'll delve into the secrets that empower organisations to thrive amid challenges, highlighting how the Net Zero Accelerator Programme can be your catalyst for success.

Introduction to the Net Zero Accelerator Programme:
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Net Zero Accelerator Programme and its role in driving sustainable business practices.

Strategies for Success in a Competitive Landscape:
Uncover the essential elements that contribute to success in a fiercely competitive business environment.

Innovation and Sustainability Integration:
Explore how the Net Zero Accelerator Programme integrates innovation and sustainability, providing a unique edge in the market.

Real-life Success Stories:
Hear firsthand accounts of organisations that have thrived through the Net Zero Accelerator Programme, learning from their experiences and accomplishments.

Building a Resilient and Future-Focused Business:
Discover how participation in the Net Zero Accelerator Programme can fortify your business against challenges and position you for future success.

This session is tailored for business leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals seeking a competitive advantage in today's dynamic business landscape. Whether you're a startup or an established entity, understanding the secrets to success and leveraging the Net Zero Accelerator Programme could be the key to your organisation's growth and resilience.

Unlock the strategies to thrive in a competitive environment and position your organization for sustainable success. Join us for an enriching discussion that could redefine your approach to business in the modern era.

Annie has always been passionate about the environment. She first became aware of the fragility of our planet from hearing news reports as a child of the ’80s, watching the destruction of the rainforests, the devastating oil spills               and the hole in the ozone layer. This spurred her to gain an undergraduate degree in Environmental Science from the University of Leeds, a Masters in Conservation Biology from Manchester Metropolitan University. She's worked           on ecologically focussed projects in Africa, won awards at a climate change solution competition at MIT University, and contributed to the IUCN's Red List, an inventory of the global conservation status of biological species at the    Institute of Zoology at London Zoo. She is currently eco-renovating her house, chairing a local climate action group, a spokesperson for a divestment campaign and the climate champion of her hometown. She established The      Sustainable Life Coach to empower others to become eco-confident in their lifestyles and businesses through Carbon Literacy training, Coaching and Net Zero programmes.


Using AI to accelerate your content creation


Louise Williamson

From ideation to implementation… in this session Louise will talk you through creating your social media content, and how to use AI tools to make the creation quicker and easier.

With (too) many years of employed experience behind her, Louise stepped into the world of self-employment in 2018. Allowing for some much needed flexibility, she began working as a freelance administrator/Virtual PA for small businesses and not-for-profit organisations. This naturally morphed into a role that required a level of support within the digital marketing space for many of her clients. As a result, Louise has spent time honing her skills, experience and knowledge and now provides clients with support relating to social media (strategy and content creation), and email marketing.


Creating Successful Short Form Video for Social Media

Natalie Eminae

Discover the TikTok effect - why our brains love short form video, and how you can leverage this dynamic media for your brand across all social networks.
As more platforms embrace micro moving image clips (hello, Facebook and Instagram Reels) there’s never been a better time to add short form video to your social media marketing strategy.

In this action-packed seminar, Natalie will be covering:
• Successful short video – a deep-dive into what audiences want to see,
and how to plan your 2024 content
• The latest tools and trends – what’s new, what’s working, and what’s
• How to cut through the digital clutter – practical advice for standing out
online, building brand recognition and establishing a clear content
narrative for your business

No film set or camera crew required, we’ll be looking at capturing content on your smartphone. So, if you’re ready to reach, engage, excite and convert your target audience, whatever social networks you use, don’t miss this
engaging seminar!

Having founded OCOCO Media in 2012, Natalie Eminae works with clients across a diverse range of industries to deliver successful social media campaigns and effective digital marketing strategies.                                                                     She provides specialist social media marketing support to organisations of all sizes and sectors throughout the UK and Europe, and will be sharing her passion, enthusiasm and expertise in the sector.

Are You Running Your Business Deliberately

Kieran James

Kieran is a GB athlete, entrepreneur, dedicated father and deliberate life coach. He is the creator of The Deliberate Formula, a 6 step process designed to inspire individuals and  business       owners to lead more deliberate lives.

Kieran is the CEO of Stryde Accountancy Ltd, a successful North East business, which he founded and has grown to a team of 10 since joining in 2015. He has used his deliberate                  formula to drive the business forward whilst also maintaining healthy relationships outside of work and training to compete for his country

How small but key changes can make a significant difference to website enquiries.

Nick Gianfreda

Nick is CEO & Founder of Wriggle Marketing. Wriggle Marketing is a full service, in-house digital marketing agency providing strategic digital marketing support, advice and web consultancy services to businesses of all sizes and sectors across the UK and Europe, from our head office in Newcastle upon Tyne. Our services include SEO, Web Development, PPC, Social Media, Graphic Design and CRO.

Intellectual Property - From Concept to Commercialisation

Linda Lowther & Ade Walton

This seminar is designed to help you navigate some of the business advice you may have received in the past and give you some clear and simple tools to help you protect and develop your business.

By the end of the session you will have an understanding of how to protect the Intellectual Property of your business as well as business improvement strategies that you can use straight away.

Offer to all delegates: All attendees will recieve a copy of the workbook - 5 Key Strategies to Profitable Growth. The book covers the 5 main drivers of business performance: Revenue, Costs, Receivables, Payables and Stock (or WIP). These drivers help you develop a profitable business model and determine which Key Performance Indicators to use so that you can confidently budget and plan business growth.

Linda Lowther
With a strong background in retail and corporate management, Linda is able to blend her knowledge of staff development, business strategy and sales to help business owners get what they really want from their business: A better work/life balance, a more productive team and improved profits.
Over the last 10 years at Advice 4 Business North East Linda has carved out an outstanding reputation amongst the North East business community as an excellent facilitator, introducer and networker.

Ade Walton
Ade is a multi-Innovation Award winning international business consultant who specialises in securing, protecting and commercialising intellectual property.
With an entrepreneurial business career spanning some 40 years; Ade has built, grown and sold multiple businesses across a wide range of industry sectors. His wealth of business experience provides clients with best advice from start-up, through structured development to sustainable growth.

Pack Your Mental Fitness Kitbag

Polly Brennan

Have you ever thought about the items you need in your toolkit to help you cope with whatever curveballs life throws your way?
Join Polly Brennan in this seminar, as she helps you to develop your own Mental Fitness Kitbag to support your wellbeing.

In this interactive session you’ll:
🎒Understand the importance of taking a regular Mental Health MOT
🎒Take a tour of the Adventure Map with Coach Polly as your guide
🎒Explore what it means to pack a mental fitness kitbag and how to build yours

Polly Brennan, outdoors enthusiast, Occupational Therapist, and Mental Fitness Coach is the founder of Adventurous Coaching Drawing on years of expertise working in the NHS mental health sector, her coaching programmes and events empower people to strengthen their mental wellbeing and pack their mental fitness kitbag.

Polly empowers leaders, and entrepreneurs to move from perfection to healthy striving, to improve personal effectiveness and strengthen their mental fitness muscles.
Polly has helped thousands of people from all walks of life to be on their A-game and pack their mental fitness kitbag for life’s big adventure.

With coach Polly as your guide, you will develop the capabilities, practice skills, and tools to make your life your big adventure!


How to create the perfect B2B outbound campaign

Jamie Petterson

Connecting with your ideal B2B customer can be a challenging affair. How can I reach out? How do I find their details? How do I not spam the marketplace?

In this seminar's Co-Founder, Jamie Petterson shall discuss:

- How to identify your ideal buyer and addressable market
- Create a multichannel campaign which delivers value
- How to operate at scale with personalisation
- The best techstack for outbound sales

Jamie has worked in sales for startups, scale ups and household names including the Expedia Group. Co-Founder of based in Newcastle and Amsterdam, they generate new business opportunities for clients through outbound campaigns in their name. Delivering a 25% average conversion from lead to close.


How SEO can generate new clients in 2024

Joaquin Morales

In this session Joaquin will show you how you generate more clients from SEO

Joaquin Morales Luque is an SEO Expert based in Newcastle upon Tyne with over 13 years of experience working on both B2B and B2C. Across the years he has had the chance to work with brands like MICHELIN, SAP, Kaercher, CAT, The Genie Group, and Armstrong Richardson.

Born in Seville in 1982, he completed his five-year degree in Marketing and Market Research in Seville, continuing a specialisation in International Marketing in the Netherlands, and finally got introduced to the world of SEO in 2009 during his first agency job in Italy. Since then, he has developed a fruitful career in SEO that culminated in 2019 with the creation of his own agency, New Horizon Marketing and Advertising, in Newcastle upon Tyne. From his Gosforth headquarters, Joaquin and his team help brands generate qualified traffic and sales through search marketing and web development.

In his free time, he supports “Aprende,” a non-for-profit Spanish school in Newcastle upon Tyne, where he helps teachers and parents with the management and marketing of the school

The evolving landscape of Chat GPT

Linzi Cormack

In this session Linzi will share valuable insights into the evolving landscape of Chat GPT and how it fails and succeeds for business and SEO.

Linzi's career at Outrank began six years ago, her journey through various facets of SEO – from Local SEO to SEO strategist and finally to her current role as SEO Team Lead – reflects her comprehensive understanding of the field. Linzi stands out in her ability to adapt and innovate. Her passion for learning and applying new solutions has consistently driven success for her clients. This innovative mindset has benefitted her clients and significantly contributed to the evolution of Outrank's SEO practices which is now heavily .